Friday, January 13, 2012

muka baru :)

Assalamualaikum.. to all

MUKA BARU...buat plastic surgery ke? oppsss..ofcoz la tak.. sy bersyukur dengan kurniaanNYA. tak sanggup rasanya nak mengubah ciptaanNYA yang terlalu indah. okay, melalut sudah.. actually, muka baru is referring to my new FACEBOOK. why i create a new one? hah, here my answers:

  1. my previous FB was attacked by a virus and something had been posted by my FB which i never realized it till my friend told me. it wasn't me okay. video tu dipost dalam groups. Ingatkan 1 group je, rupanya a few more groups. okay, frankly speaking, SAYA MALU walaupun bukan sy yang buat. my friends knew it wasn't my fault. but then, still, there are people said i was the one who posted the video. see, how cruel this technology towards me. this is what we called a LIFE.. 
  2. sangat takut sebab rasa macam maruah dicabuli, so, i decided to create another one which i only add MY FRIENDS and also MY RELATIVES. i won't be approved anybody who i never know. i learn something from this thing, which is don't easily believe anybody in this kind of world. 
  3. sy semakin dewasa bila angka 2 dihadapan. i'm going to 20 just a few more month. and i think this is the best time to make a move and left the rest behind. at first rasa rugi sebab create new fb sebab banyak upload gambar. but then, bila pikir2 balik, i must start a NEW one. tak rugi bila kita buat something untuk dpaatkan yang lebih baik. kalau dulu, main upload je gambar2 tanpa ditapis, tapi sekarang saya janji, gambar2 yang akan diupload akan ditapis terlebih dahulu. matured tak sy? hahaha.. 
mungkin banyak lagi reasons tapi tak semua boleh dikongsi bersama. 


this is my new email for my FB:
add me if you think that you're a friend of mine :)

till then. 

nota butterfly: muhasabah diri. mungkin ada khilaf yang dilakukan tanpa sedar. 


aWaNiS cLoUdY said...

bella dah matured!! :D ada hikmahnya buat FB baru kan?

Miss Nabilah Ismail said...

:) insyallah..

Miss Diela said...

hehhe aku suka part nota kaki...<3