Friday, January 27, 2012

maaf. saya buat anda macam.......

assalamualaikum. to all.

selamat hari jumaat semua. mood saya hari ni happy :) rasa nak senyum sampai telinga. hahaha..tipu okay.  Alhamdulillah. semalam air mata keluar then pagi2 subuh saya dah tersenyum.

Kadang-kadang Allah sembunyikan matahari, DIA datangkan pula petir & kilat. Kita tertanya2 kemana hilangnya matahari.. Rupa-rupanya Allah berikan kita pelangi..

try tengok balik title entry ni dgn intro entry.. macam tak synchronize jek.. hahaha.. tu baru intro laa.

maaf, saya dah buat awak macam daun kering yang awak bagi :(
saya tak pernah perasan pun selama ni saya dah buat awak macam tu. 
bila nak saya cari, bila tak nak saya ignore awak. 
tapi awak sabar. 
tapi saya, makin lama makin ignore awak. 
 saya tak bosan. 
saya tak boring.
saya tak penat. 
saya tak letih. 
and i'm not sick of you. 
but WHY? 
saya sendiri tak tahu. 
walaupun saya tahu
saya ada jawapan tu. 
semalam saya termenangis. 
sebab rasa bersalah. 
sebab tiba-tiba rasa sakit. 
mungkin ini yang awak rasa bila saya ignore awak. 
padan muka saya. 
 this is what we called as

my good friend always reminds me, 
that i wasn't suppose doing this to you. 
what have i done is totally wrong. 
totally my fault and mistakes. 

tapi awak tahu kan kenapa saya buat semua ni? 
saya tahu awak tahu.

 and to make it easier. 
saya rasa 
its better we just 
hang up this story
and just wait  and this story end up by itself 
and  just let the time decides for us.


notabutterfly: sometimes when we let the feelings grow up, we such welcoming the HOPE. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

wishlist di sebelah kanan------>

assalamualaikum .to all.

nampak tak wishlist kat sebelah kanan tu? hah.. hari ni nak story 1 per 1 pasal wishlist tu.
  1. umrah : ni hajat aku yg 1st after habis belajar untuk bawak parents aku.. insyallah. semoga allah murahkan rezeki aku.. maksudnya dari sekarang dah kena buat SAVING..tak boleh nak shopping sakan okay :)
  2. EOS 1100D : kenapa model ni? sebab yuna model camera ni! haha..mestilah tak. actually tak kisah pun model apa2. maybe time nak beli dslr ni dah keluar model2 yang lagi up-to-date:) so i'll choose that one yang lagi smart and better :)
  3. swift : sebab dia comel :) n i adore the blue one :) seriously bernafsu bila tengok kereta comel ni. * even macam tak worthy tapi ni kan wish list. :P
  4. Casa de Rio : cuba teka nama apa ni? jeng jeng jeng...sebenarnya ini ialah nama salah sebuah hotel di Paris  Melaka. suka hotel ni sebab betul-betul sebelah sungai melaka. and sangat suka suasana kat sini. opps.. nak buat apa dengan hotel ni? nak honeymoon kat sini.. boleh tak? logik tak? haha..i don't care. pelik tak orang melaka tapi juz nak HM kat melaka.. mesti korang cakap dah takde tempat lain ke kat dunia ni??? haha.. actually macam ni: kalau mr.future husband aku orang melaka, aku nak HM luar dari melaka.. jauh2 dari melaka. tapi kalau mr.future husband bukan orang melaka,aku nak HM kat sini:) next HM baru pergi tempat lain okay :) * dreaming off
  5. RM27592.00 : banyaknya RM.. haha.. cuba teka RM apa ni??? hahaha....tak boleh bagi tau :) sometimes there's something that should be left with Question Mark [?]
so, anybody yang nak volunteer untuk sponsor and tick [/] kat wishlist ni tak? sila angkat kaki n tangan :p. sy sangat menghargai and sayang lebih kat anda <3.... hahaha. JJK * aten said is as just joking. 

tak cukup lagi lah wishlist ni. sepatutnya ada 7 tapi belum terfikir lagi.. nanti i update lagi wishlist ni. 

sometimes there's something need to be changed and added up :)

notabutterfly: i might be afraid to lose someone like you because  you're such a GOOD friend to me. let's time decide it for US <3

Thursday, January 19, 2012

birthday prank #1

assalamualaikum.. to all..

morning and have a nice day!!!
okay, tiba2 mata tak mengantuk. maksudnya boleh buat 1 entry untuk hari ini..
wanna story morry bout a birthday prank that has been planned by US (syida, ila, bella, aten, ika n fa) for SYAZANA FATIN actually ada lagi sorang (DIDI) tapi tak join sebab tertido ... . very simple prank i think. let's check what we have done for her birthday prank:

  1. syida 'curi' jam kesayangan ana. then bungkus as if bagi hadiah birthday.
  2. ika, ila n bella 'rompak' phone Nokia a.ka. cik KIA then sorokkan kat dalam bilik. and we all berjaya buat ana menangis :) sorry syg. 
  3. syida 'tadah' air water cooler dalam baldi untuk simbah ana
  4. ila 'pungut' telur ayam kat rumah untuk baling kat ana.. tapi aten dengan selambanya pecahkan telur tu dalam baldi yang berisi air water cooler. 
  5. fa juz ready with camera sebab dia akan record semua yang jadi time prank.. 
  6. WE all buat muka simpati sebab ana kehilangan jam and cik KIA. simpati tapi tak tolong cari... hehehe
  7. main kejar2 kat hostel and rasa macam hostel tu kitorang je ada. oppss..dah takde senior nak marah macam last year :) 
  8. ana yang dah basah lencun plus bau telur buat serangan balas kejar we all and peluk kitorang. okay, bau telur sangat hanyir ye :) please jangan main telur lagi.. 
so, dah tengok check list. you all agak2 siapa mastermind prank ni???? hurmm... the Mastermind is US .. so to make it fair n square, each of us will experience the birthday prank.. 

*gambar tak boleh diupload disebabkan beberapa faktor. 

notabutterfly: i love them :)

butterfly in my stomach

asslamualaikum. to all.

look at the title above :)
seriously so  many butterflies are flying in my stomach.
haha..semalam 1st time jadi emcee untuk majlis formal di IPG tercinta ni..
alhamdullilah, semuanya berjalan dengan lancar atas bantuan cik syida.
before majlis mula, seriously nervous plus tangan ni sejuk sangat2.. okay as if duduk kat kutub utara la pulak. rasa dalam perut ni macam gerak2.. hahaha..ala2 ada butterfly tengan terbang gitu.. then, after majlis settle, tiba2 rasa panas n butterfly is flying away.. peace:) saya berjaya melakukannya.
this is my 1st time but not the last time. i have four more years to go. practice make perfect :)

* kepada anda : majlis tu tak hancur okay! :p

notabutterfly:  i'm not going to continue all the 'seniority' that has been practiced by them. something has to be  
                     changed. :)....

Friday, January 13, 2012

muka baru :)

Assalamualaikum.. to all

MUKA BARU...buat plastic surgery ke? oppsss..ofcoz la tak.. sy bersyukur dengan kurniaanNYA. tak sanggup rasanya nak mengubah ciptaanNYA yang terlalu indah. okay, melalut sudah.. actually, muka baru is referring to my new FACEBOOK. why i create a new one? hah, here my answers:

  1. my previous FB was attacked by a virus and something had been posted by my FB which i never realized it till my friend told me. it wasn't me okay. video tu dipost dalam groups. Ingatkan 1 group je, rupanya a few more groups. okay, frankly speaking, SAYA MALU walaupun bukan sy yang buat. my friends knew it wasn't my fault. but then, still, there are people said i was the one who posted the video. see, how cruel this technology towards me. this is what we called a LIFE.. 
  2. sangat takut sebab rasa macam maruah dicabuli, so, i decided to create another one which i only add MY FRIENDS and also MY RELATIVES. i won't be approved anybody who i never know. i learn something from this thing, which is don't easily believe anybody in this kind of world. 
  3. sy semakin dewasa bila angka 2 dihadapan. i'm going to 20 just a few more month. and i think this is the best time to make a move and left the rest behind. at first rasa rugi sebab create new fb sebab banyak upload gambar. but then, bila pikir2 balik, i must start a NEW one. tak rugi bila kita buat something untuk dpaatkan yang lebih baik. kalau dulu, main upload je gambar2 tanpa ditapis, tapi sekarang saya janji, gambar2 yang akan diupload akan ditapis terlebih dahulu. matured tak sy? hahaha.. 
mungkin banyak lagi reasons tapi tak semua boleh dikongsi bersama. 


this is my new email for my FB:
add me if you think that you're a friend of mine :)

till then. 

nota butterfly: muhasabah diri. mungkin ada khilaf yang dilakukan tanpa sedar. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

orientation days

assalamualaikum.. and morning to all

goodbye, thanks for treat me nicely. welcome, please make me fall in love with you. 
dulu-PPISMP TESL1 intake JUNE2010
sekarang- PISMP TESL 1 intake JAN2012
dah hilang 'P' ke-2 tapi jangan risau sebab saya still lagi simpan kat dalam 'memory land' sy. sy takkan lupa anda even anda tukar nama. hahaahah..just crapping. 
cik bella dah masuk degree.almadulillah, dah tutup buku foundation and now sedang get ready nak bukak buku degree pulak. more subject to be explored and exposed. 

opppss.. terpanjang pulak mukadimahnya.. 
actually nak share about our orientation week which was held in just 3 days starting from 4th -6th Jan 2012. 
this is our 2nd time involved in this Minggu Pengurusan Pelajar Baharu.. even dah setahun setengah kat sini, we all kena jugak attend and kena ikut adat turun temurun which is wearing 'tudung itik' within that week. 

sweet tak??

pernah persoalkan why we have to have this orientation. we all kan dah study kat sini almost 2 years so tak perlulah susah2 nak attend orientasi ni kan.. and i got the answer why.. both orientations PPISMP and PISMP were absolutely different. coz pengisiannya berbeza dari pelbagai aspek eg: academic and Kokuriikulum.

even just few days tapi banyak info yang we all dapat. 
eg: to get first class honor, must get 3.8.

and banyak jugak yang we all pertikaikan about our ipg. bout rules and regulation, financial, etc. 
one of yang we all argued was about new baju batik. 
we all kena beli batik corak baru which cost us RM195. padahal we all dah ada and baru pakai almost 2 years.  we all tak nampak kat mana kepentingannya. tapi..... terpaksa sebab we're forced to buy it.
and banyak lagi... tapi, sebagai student kat sini, we have to accept it. 

that's all i think, not really in the mood of typing and sharing about this entry. 
till then..

nota butterfly: we are bound to the rules and regulation. just follow them and enjoy your life. we have own way of enjoying our life as a teacher to be. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

entry pertama 2012

assalamualaikum.. to all.. 

1st day in 2012.. i'm not going to wish anything. don't ask WHY. 
this entry is for someone who i owe him many stories but then i just wanna share only one for today.. the rest are still keep in 'buku 555'. okay!! don't worry you'll get them all , one day means not today.. 

yesterday, i promise to story you about the drama on 'aduh sayang' let me write them here and it easy for you to read.. 
aduh sayang. 

it's all about a life after married. there's a  young-married couple who have 2 little children. both husband and wife are working at different places and nobody can take care of their children while they are working. so, they decided to send their children to one of nurseries nearby. but then, their life is still look miserable as they could not handle their children very well. they have to wake up every night when the children are crying or else the children sometimes are under-controlled. they sometimes late to office, sleepy. and feel tired while working. these should not happen while working, right?

however, everything change after one fine day.......

one day, they visit their parents. and their parents could see how miserable their life are. so, they give an opinion to them to ease their burden. their parents volunteer to take care of their children and they may take them on weekends. it sound easy but for them, it's too difficult to let their children away from them. however, after thinking the pro and cons, finally they agreed and let their parents look after the little children. 

in just few weeks, a lot of things happen and the most important is they seem like more cheerful and enthusiastic in their office. everyone can see their changes. until, the husband get an offered to work at Melbourne. the husband gives an idea to the wife to continue her masters there. sounds good and everyone is happy with the offer except the wife because, she thinks about the little children. they could not afford to hire someone to look after their children or send them to nursery. so, their parents once again trying to help them. they once again volunteer to look after the little children while they stay there in 3 years. 

however, they only come back after 5 years. what do they expect after 5 years leave the children with their   grandparents. so many things change in 5 years. both little children are growing up. they start thinking about their parents and they are too close to their grandparents. they called them 'mak' and 'ayah'. can you see how close they are. they seems could not accept their own parents. and feel angry to them. they are too young to think the reasons of WHY. fortunately, their grandparents know how to talk to the children. 

to make it short, the husband and wife start to give up and admit it as their own fault at first. however, the children are also start to think about it. they realize that they should not do that to their parents. 
finally, they live happily ever after......

............THE END..........

that's all i think. i hope you like it.. so, you can mark as PAY in your 'buku 555'. hahaha.. the rest i'll pay it later.. later means not today.. 

okay, saya nak berbahasa melayu setelah mengarut dalam English language. okay, admit ayat tunggang - langgang. at least cuba okay. banyak yang perlu di improve. tahun baru ni saya improve okay. 

cerita ni sangat best. seronok tengok sampai rasa nak gelak guling-guling. kelakar and i wonder if it'll happen to me. semoga tidak. saya dah fikirkan solution untuk masalah ni semalam.  okay, my future husband take note ya.

this is my idea: 
  • saya nak seorang m.a.i.d. tapi half day sebab saya kerja pagi sampai petang so malam saya boleh take over.. . 

  • saya tak nak hantar anak2 kat rumah parents saya ok. 
  • saya nak parents saya rehat goyang kaki je kat rumah 
  • saya tak nak berhenti kerja selagi ada cara nak selesaikan masalah... penat2 saya belajar 5 tahun setengah kat ipg tercinta senang2 awak nak saya berhenti kerja... oppss, sorry.. saya tak nak sebab saya akan sangat sayang career saya as teacher. so, before get marry kita discuss pasal ni yek.. kalau tak saya tak nak kawin.. FULLSTOP. I DONT CARE....
hahaha..dah macam buat paperwork pulak... tapi ni la realitinya.. so, kepada my future husband seriously, take note okay. tak kisah siapa pun anda.. we'll meet after few more years okay.. saya taknak jumpa anda sekarang.. peace :)

that's all...till then. love you all.. 

p/s: future planning is a must. kita merancang, Allah jua yang menentukan.. semoga apa yang dirancang menjadi kenyataan. aminnnn...