Monday, September 19, 2011

sambutan hari kemerdekaan yang ke 54 dan hari malaysia

assalamualaikum dan salam 1 Malaysia to all.

okay, hari ni baru ada mood nak story morry with you all. aku baru je balik dari celebration merdeka day di Dataran Merdeka and stay di Putrajaya selama 11 hari (6sept-16sept). so hari ni baru nak mengupdate apa2 yg patut di update. mcm2 yg aku nk story. so kalau rasa entry ni terpanjang dari biasa korang boleh abaikan and klik button close..hahaahaaa..

me: salam mak. ila otw nk gi putrajaya ni
mak: wsalam. owh.. ati2 kat sana. lagi 1 jgn dok main mata pulak kat sana.. jgn jd mcm dulu.. yg dh pisah tu pisah je la ye.. *sambil gelak2..
me: oppss..insyallah.. *dlm ati: mmg taubat taknak main mata more eye contact pliz..hahahaha

dlm bas we all tido macam setahun tak tido..bajet masa kat sana tak dpt tido..haha..padahal mostly kat sana we all tido..

okay, lets make a move.
we all stay at tingkat 9 blok b presint 17 putrajaya.
we all ada 3 kali latihan dalam sehari. 1.pagi*after subuh/before subuh dah gerak di dataran merdeka 2. petang*after asar kat area apartment presint 17. 3. malam*after maghrib/before maghrib dah gerak gi dataran merdeka. cuba teka we all kena buat ape kat sini lebih kurang macam bazir masa but then, we actually create a history okay.. hahaha...this is what we have done.. and IPG is performing HUMAN L.E.D...

next, this is our daily routine:
1. bangun kul 4.30a.m siap2 utk latihan pagi.
2. 5.30-6.00 a.m rebut2 naik bas utk ke D.M
3. 7-11 a.m latihan pagi human l.e.d
4. 11.15 a.m rebut2 naik bas utk pulang ke gagang..*bajet mcm anak2 burung nak blk apartment..
5. 12.30-1.30 p.m lunch hour
6. 2.00-4.00 p.m heavenly tido
7. 5.00p.m-6.00p.m latihan petang
8.*entry kali ni more than 7 lists laa..huhu.... 7.00-7.30p.m siap and turun utk rebut2 bas ke D.M
9. 8-10.00p.m latihan malam
10.30p.m rebut2 naik bas lagi..
11.30p.m supper and mendaki naik ke tingkat 9 blok b.
12.30 a.m tido.. *tp biasenye aku tido kul 1 lebih2.

* actually, this is just based on my estimation.. takdelah 100% betul timing nye.. sometimes lambat and kadang2 terawal pulak..ikut mood..hahaah

next, makan

hari2 we all kat sini mmg best.. even do the same thing. tp tak boring sbb mmg enjoy habis.. lupa segala masalah especially bout the 'place'.. record yek. pastu, makan pun free.. ditanggung 100% tak perlu bayar okay.. so this is the perfect time utk menggemukkan badan..huhu.. yes, i'm one of them..terasa gemuk after balik dari putrajaya..patutnye rasa kurus sbb kena mendaki sampai tingkat 9.. hahaah..

ni lah blok yang we all stay

2000 ipg's students involved in this performance.. and we all kena duduk atas stage mcm tangga and tersangat lah tak kukuh..seriously rasa tak secure duduk atas tu.. but then, diorang ada baiki and we feel secure finally.

next, this is our prop's lists:
1. t-shirt yellow-white
2. jaket blue-red-white
3.slack navvy blue
5.payung from indonesia*sorry terpaksa buang sbb dah rosak.
6. beg*same goes to this bag.
7.glove*you too.
8.bendera*pulangkan semula
9.pom-pom*takde orang nak bwk balik benda nih..bagi free pun i taknak

semua ni we all guna time latihan and performance.. that's why laa payung tu terpaksa dibuang sbb rosak..what do you expect dgn latihan selama 9 hari?? hahaha..konfem laa payung yg look sweet tu boleh rosak.. same goes to the bag.. dah koyak rabak sbb low quality and plus aku bwk ke hulu ke if orang lain tak bawak pulak beg tu..ganas gler cik bella ni..malu2..tutup muka cepat..hhaha

next, anti en.shah
kat sini aku ada anti someone.. geram giler ngan orang ni. wanna know why?? ade ke patut dia ckp aku bwk bantal time gi latihan.. sbb dia tengok beg aku ni gemuk semacam je.. bajet macam beg2 orang lain tak gemuk.. beg ni gemuk semua sbb pom-pom yg sarat tu. depan2 orang ramai dia ckp mcm tu..maka dengan itu, dia telah mengisytiharkan perang dengan aku..hahahah..bajet mcm world war jek. tp sekarang dah tak anti lagi.. hahaha..
even pom-pom ni sarat tapi bila perform tersangat lah cantik

next, this is not our culture,
"this is not our culture."...semua orang konfem ingat quotes coach kitorang ni.. setiap kali diorang nak boo time latihan coach ni akan ckp thi is not our culture.. hurmm.. at first, i was thinking that he was a very great guy as he always think in positive side. but then, few days before the end, i lost the respect on him as he's not really a great guy as i think before. why? just because he and the other coach wanted to entertain us, they simply make something without thinking about the pro and cons. they should think about expectation on them.. haaha..sorry, saya tak hormat anda lagi.. story nye macam ni, we all ada celebrate hari raya on 14sept. so, that night ada performance from the coaches. and 2 orang daripada mereka ni dengan berani mati nya pakai ala2 perempuan..siap dengan make up, rambut and yg paling obvious dress up.. seriously, jijik dengan diorang.. menyanyi, menari sambil bergesel.. ya allah, seriously, aku malu dengan tindakan diorang. kenapa aku pulak nak malu ?? sebab diorang ni orang islam, melayu, and maybe a teacher too.. malu sebab pertontonkan keabaiban depan non-muslim yg ada kat situ.. is this our culture?? kena lah tanya pada coach kami.. boleh nak berhibur tapi bukan dengan cara ni. banyak lagi cara lain.. so sorry to say, this is not our culture. okay, tak nak hilang mood sbb diorang ni.. so let's move to the next..

next, reserved..
sepanjang 9 hari latihan kat D.M sekali je aku mintak reserve.. sbb pening kepala. baru lah aku sedar yg aku ni actually tak tahan dengan bau2an. hari tu aku pening bcoz of B.O*body odour and bau rokok.. so aku pun turun lah sbb dah tahan dengan b.o2 bdk2 lelaki ni.. naik pitam aku dibuatnya.. hhaha...time kat bawah tu EN.FIRST AID*sorry tak tau nama.. tnya kenapa aku mintak reserve and dengan rasa geramnyaaku cakap lah aku sakit kepala sebab bau rokok and b.o.. EN.FIRST AID gelak giler2 and i wonder why dia nak gelak..after few while aku ternampak dia smoke.. and more wonder..huh..maka, dengan ini, saya cik------ taknak kwn dengan orang yg merokok.. stay away from me please..

next, celebration hari raya
just wanna show the pics..

with my housemate

me in front our home sweet home

*pics terbesar need to enlarge..clean and clear you all nak tengok..

next,hurmmm...tengok gambar la pulak..sebab tak tau nak story morry apa lagi..hehehe..

.payung yang sweet.

.our cap.

.long way to go through.

.heading to the bus.

.more than 10000 involved .

.our coach.

.our day.

.our backbone.

.jalur gemilang.

.human l.e.d.

.our hands.

.our independent day.

finally, done.. 16 sept 2011 we leave them all but one thing we still keep in mind is all the memories there.. every each of the moment are mean to be remembered. we have created our own history. and we PROUD to be ANAK MALAYSIA.. KAMI ANAK MALAYSIA!!!!!!!!*sambil nyanyi lagu kami anak malaysia..

that's all for this entry.. i spent a few days to write this entry.. hahaaha..and finally.. done with it.. however, there are so many things to be story morry in this entry but i just take few things that i wanna share.. thanks for reading.. see you..

p/s: things would be happened if you wish so..

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