Thursday, January 19, 2012

butterfly in my stomach

asslamualaikum. to all.

look at the title above :)
seriously so  many butterflies are flying in my stomach.
haha..semalam 1st time jadi emcee untuk majlis formal di IPG tercinta ni..
alhamdullilah, semuanya berjalan dengan lancar atas bantuan cik syida.
before majlis mula, seriously nervous plus tangan ni sejuk sangat2.. okay as if duduk kat kutub utara la pulak. rasa dalam perut ni macam gerak2.. hahaha..ala2 ada butterfly tengan terbang gitu.. then, after majlis settle, tiba2 rasa panas n butterfly is flying away.. peace:) saya berjaya melakukannya.
this is my 1st time but not the last time. i have four more years to go. practice make perfect :)

* kepada anda : majlis tu tak hancur okay! :p

notabutterfly:  i'm not going to continue all the 'seniority' that has been practiced by them. something has to be  
                     changed. :)....


Nana said...

i pun same lahh..selalu neves x tentu pasal..haha...

Miss Nabilah Ismail said...

its normal nana. everybody will feel the same.