Assalamualaikum. to all
this entry i gonna tell bout what happen to my life last week.
sepanjang 1 week stay kat rumah akak, aku kena ikut dia pegi ICDC Kindergarten tempat dia kerja. my sist ni teacher kat situ. so, student pun panggil aku TEACHER NABILA. how sweet. wanna talk a little bit bout this kindergarten. this kindergarten is practicing an islamic education and english language to all the students. semua subjek diorang belajar in english and all the teachers there are required to speak in english. every instructions are given in english. so, memang impress bila tengok certain students pandai speak english very well. another thing, sepanjang 1week kat kindergarten tu student2 ada hafazan class. and more time aku impress sebab diorang ni boleh hafal surah2 yang banyak ayat and hadith w meaning in english. lancar je diorang baca. impress tak? aku yang dah 19 tahun hidup pun tak pernah hafal hadith. so, bila duduk dengan diorang terasa kerdil.
jom tengok kaki gambar ni berpicture bersama kanak2 riang..
w boys in qiraati class |
boboy: ahmad muhsin, hasizzudin and adam anuar |
gugurl |
w them in hafazan class |
w nurul ameera, marcella and qistina
that's all for this entry. okay. frankly speaking, even baru seminggu w them dah terasa seronok and miss them. hahaha..
p/s: can i be the best teacher.
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