nk deactivate ke tak nak?jap2..kena 275 kali pikir batu boleh buat decision.. haha
okay..dengan ini sy cik bella mengisytiharkan saya telah DEACTIVATE facebook dengan rasa hormatnya..
sbb.. nak listkan 7 sbb ke? hurmm...
1. sbb rase TERBUANG MASA
2. sbb rase taknak diganggu dng ALIEN
3. sbb nak STUDY
4. sbb nak REHAT
5. sbb nak TIDO awal.
6. sbb nak LEBIH MASA
7. sbb rase nak DEACTIVATE
dat's all my 7 reason why did so..
seriously, bile cik FB ni takde aku tido awal.. and kalau mcm 'takde' keje tu aku tak on langsung cik lappy ni. one more, aku rasa mcm ada lebih masa untuk pergi menguruskan badan.. seronok kan?? so rase nye tak sia2 aku deactivate fb.. just for a while and i'll be back soon.. am i miss you cik fb?? hurmm.. just wait n see whether i miss you or not.. owh.. forgot to tell.. the best in this deactivation.. my friend changed my password to the new one which i don't know the password. hahahaha..so that it'll decrease the tendency to activate the fb.. credit to Farhanah Samat for creating my new password which i knew there's something fishy with the password. eager to know the password.. but then, sabar je laa.. hahaha.. hopefully bertahan sampai satu masa yg teramat sesuai untuk activate semula.. .
dat's all for this entry. love you all.
p/s: i miss the old you. tq.
hahahafb la wt kau tembam,so kau kene kurus la wt mase ni :D haha amek peluang yg ade :D haha
terbaik lah.. lupa nak credit to hasif shah sbb mendorong sy untuk menguruskan badan... takpe2 nnti aku tulis entry speacial untuk ko sorang je.. hahahhaa
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