Sunday, September 4, 2011

dream..mimpi indah or nightmare?

assalamualaikum to all..
this is entry is about DREAM a.k.a MIMPI
orang tua2 cakap setiap mimpi tu ada maksud tersurat/tersirat.. betul ke? or just a myth? boleh percaya ke? so i wanna story morry bout my few night dreams..

  • first, bout ANACONDA. aku penah mimpi kena kejar dgn anaconda.. biasenye dgr mimpi pasal ular2 biasa.. tbe2 je aku mimpi pasal anaconda.. seriously, bangun tido jek terasa penat as if kena kejar betul2.. and yg best nye prince charming selamatkan aku.. ececeh.. bajet hero je mamat tu.. tp tak dpt tgk pun muka dat guy.. so aku tak tau laa sape mamat tu.. then, aku story kat mak n few people.. diorang ckp biasenye kalau mimpi pasal ular ni ada orang nak masuk minang..betul ke??? and one of diorang ckp maybe orang 'besar' sbb aku mimpi ANACONDA...hahahaha...mitos semata-mata..abaikan.. 
  • second, bout GIGI. rasanye within this week, aku mimpi pasal patah gigi. biasenye orang mimpi gigi bawah or atas yg patah, tp aku pulak semua gigi patah.. kenapa ye? so aku pun tnye my mum. mak ckp kalau gigi bawah maksudnya orang umur bawah aku meninggal and kalau atas orang umur atas aku yg meninggal.. but the problem is aku mimpi semua gigi yg patah.. is there any sign for this dream? takut..yup..aku mmg takut.. mimpi sometimes give us signs..but sometime we never realize bout it.. ya allah, hopefully there's nothing bad to be happened.. 
  • third?- otw kot.
actually, mcm2 mimpi tp ni yg any idea is that true bout the dream? is the dream bad or good? no one knows right. only HIM knows everything.. so serahkan kpdNYA.. just pray for the best. insyallah.. sebaik-baik janji...

p/s: believe it or not

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