salam for everybody..
i'm just arrived from KL.. i am tired enough right now and feel like wanna sleep..but i cant.. huh..omg..i want to sleep please!! some body help me.. hahaahaha.. i am just craping such like playing around the bushes.. hahaha..yes i am tired enough but can't wait to share my story.. wanna story morry with you laa miss blog.. just for a few minutes then i'll stop ok..dont worry i dont want to talk too much..
March 30, 2011 my friend and i were having a very great day at Istana Budaya to watch Teater LAT Kampung Boy Sebuah Muzikal>span...i dont know much about this cartoon and even the i joined them to have new experience of watching a theater perhaps..
we arrived there at 8.00pm because our tickets at 8.30pm.. so we performed Isya' prayer first so we dont have to worry about it while watching the play.. we went up to the 3rd floor i think and get into the hall..i am very excited actually.. this is my first time and i really hope the play is not boring as some of my fellows said before...
my seat at Panggung Sari B29 3rd upper circle.. okay.. i am ready...
jeng jeng jeng....haahaha
the play started with Lat's childhood life.. till he lives his life.. it showed how Lat throughput his life being a cartoonist.. many obstacles he faced..
one part that i love here is when Mrs.Hew, Lat's English teacher said
she motivates her students to decide what they want to be in future..Mrs. Hew is also encourage Lat to be cartoonist because for her, Lat has such a very good talented that should be improved and can be go further. as a teacher she wants the best for their students. and as teacher to be this really motivated me to be a very good teacher in future..
a lot of things to be story but yeah...I want to sleep..tired and sleepy enough..
whatever it is, everyone has their own comments towards this theater. so mine is
it was AWESOME!!!!!
tq for singgah sebentar....
p/s: hopefully i am given another chances to watch others theater.. i fall in love with it.. tq